Understanding Modal Verbs

Hey! Today I am going to show you how to use Modal Verbs, as you can see there is a shades metter that allowd us to understand the intention. I Hope you can recognize and use Modal Verbs.

You can find more information on: http://www.myenglishteacher.eu/

Enjoy your learning!

Ways to Avoid Plagiarism

As teachers we know that «It’s easy to find information for most research papers, but it’s not always easy to add that information into your paper without falling into the plagiarism trap.» According to Write Check Beta, there are easy ways to avoid plagiarism. Follow some simple steps while writing your research paper to ensure that your document will be free of plagiarism. These steps should be teaching to our students in order to have a document without writing legal problems

  1. Paraphrase
  2. Cite
  3. Quoting
  4. Citing Quotes
  5. Citing Your Own Material
  6. Referencing

Know more about the steps on: http://en.writecheck.com/ways-to-avoid-plagiarism/

Enjoy your learning…

Terms Related to the Telephone

According to Richard Vaughan «Telephone conversations are often more challenging than face-to-face encounters since we cannot see the other party and take advantage of gestures and expressions that help us understand the conversation.»

That’s why today they teach us 20 of the most important terms related to the telephone.

If you want more information about Richard Vaughan visit the site: http://www.vaughanclassroom.com/

I hope that could be useful…

Do you want to learn English by playing?

Somedays, we feel the necesity to use another tool in learning English; here I want to show you a very useful web page to learn by playing. It doesn’t matter if you are an adult or if you feel that you already grow up, you can enjoy this web site spending your time and having a good time. I hope you can enjoy it.

Just select the topic you want and then enjoy your time.

Here the page: http://www.eslgamesplus.com/

See you then…

Do you want to improve your Listening Skill?

Here the solution: On this web page you can improve your listening by working on three levels, EASY, MEDIUM and DIFFICULT. Choose your level and then select the topic you want to develop.
Something very important, you can evaluate yourself at the end of each exercise, try to understand and listen again the play, on that way you can learn more

Here the page: http://www.esl-lab.com/

Enjoy your English learning!

Grammar English Resource

Hey! I hope you have developed your skills in a good way. Today I am going to introduce you a very useful page where you can find a lot of exercises about several grammar topics; try to do each test according to your knowledge first, then if your answers are wrong you can check them and understand the way you have to do the activities. Remember: You can learn English by working yourself in autonomous way!

Here the page: http://www.english-4u.de/

Enjoy learning English

¿Por qué se debe licenciar tu trabajo?

Porque es la forma más fácil para accerder a la información y permitir que otros usen tu información, trabajos, creaciones entre otros; es decir, puedes compartir tu trabajo para que todos accedan a la información que quieres mostrar. Si estás intersado y quieres más información entra a http://creativecommons.org/ y entérate cómo puedes licenciar tu trabajo.